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Traditional Values: Bruno believes firmly in the Judeo-Christian traditional values that our society and nation were built upon. He is unapologetically Pro-Life and believes that it is the duty of the government to protect unborn life and favors the passage of a Federal abortion ban. He believes that marriage is between one man and one woman and resists any radical attempts to dismantle the structure of our society. Additionally, Bruno advocates the promotion of abstinence as a conservative, moral position which is crucial for the well-being of our culture.


National Security: With so many threats to the United States and its allies in the world today, it is paramount that America never surrender its position as the sole superpower on the world stage. We face the madness of North Korea, the persistent threat of Islamic fundamentalist terrorist groups and governments, among other potential major security issues. It is absolutely paramount that we remain vigilant as a nation. Ronald Reagan's three key pillars in regard to this policy were peace through strength, trust but verify, and beware of evil in the modern world. Bruno wholeheartedly agrees with this philosophy.


Debt and Budget Deficit: The Federal debt and budget deficit are completely out of control. Since the start of the Obama Administration, $7 trillion has been added on to our debt. We now have a debt that exceeds $17 trillion and adds over a trillion dollars to that number every year. All the politicians in Washington have promised is to try to eliminate the budget deficit in about a decade. The problem is absolutely out of control and must be dealt with now. Bruno would oppose any budget passed that spends beyond the annual revenue of the Federal government. This problem must be handled in the present, not possibly somewhere in the far future where it will be even more disastrous.


Tax Policy: The current tax code is an absolute monstrosity. Bruno favors the elimination or substantial reduction of the IRS and a shift from a system of taxation which punishes earning and instead prefers a move to a progressive consumption tax which will instead tax the usage of resources. This is the fairest system possible and an enormous improvement from the incomprehensible status quo.


Border Security: The illegal immigration crisis needs to be dealt with now. Bruno would oppose all attempts at amnesty, veiled or otherwise. Violators of our laws cannot be given a free pass over those who go through the arduous process of legally entering this country. Bruno believes it is unfair to allow these law breakers to remain while others who have not done so do not have the privilege of residing in our country. An electronic fence should be deployed to cover the entire border, which would allow Border Patrol officers to apprehend any and all illegally entering through our southern border. A high-tech method is the solution to this problem.


Obamacare and Liberty: It is one of the most egregious violations of our liberty under the current Administration. This threatens to destroy the world’s premier healthcare system. Obamacare should be immediately repealed. Bruno would staunchly oppose any and all attempts by the current government in infringing upon the liberties and rights of Americans by forcing us to participate in a sub-par system inferior to the one that a vast majority of Americans already enjoyed.

Second Amendment: Also an issue of liberty, Bruno steadfastly believes in the rights of law abiding citizens to freely own and utilize any and all firearms as long as all laws are obeyed in doing so. It is not the business of the government to be passing bans on any firearms or related instruments, including so-called “assault weapons” and ammunition related restrictions. The Constitution does not specify what firearms a citizen can own, and Bruno does not believe it is the business of the Government to infringe in this area other than to protect the public from dangerous criminals and other threats.


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